Saturday 28 May 2011

Jump rope for maximum results How?

As the skipping rope?

It sounds simple and easy, but if you get used to it could be very difficult because you do not just randomly jump, you're using a rope with which your ability to have a rope skipping handle the needs of the jumping technique and experience want to pass the correct amount.

Jump Starter

I'll show you how efficient and fair to jump the rope in order to maximize results in the shortest possible time - the results as a full cardio workout for the body, heart andLung; metabolism helps burn calories and help to improve the strength of strength and coordination, to name a few.

Before jumping

Wear cushioned shoes such as sneakers or running shoes with extra padding for extra support Use the correct length of rope skipping. It should be neither too long nor too short. This is to prevent accidents and travel. The cable length should be from the armpits to extend the foot when measured against yourFramework Get a rope, the lightweight and / or adjusted Find a soft surface like dirt or soft carpet / hardwood floor, jump up Choose an open space to jump rope
For beginners

First, the case without a jump rope. Try to jump and land on the balls of pace.

Keep your heels off the ground, stand on your toes. Use your knuckles as a feather effect to this eliminates the chance your feet smacking hard on the floor.

How do you copemost of your landing skills. The end result is that you balance with your feet flat and your weight. Continue to practice until you get this.

Jump rope!

OK, finally, jumping rope!


Just hold the rope handles on each of your hand Place the rope behind her back and let the loop hang behind the feet Throw the rope over his head and your feet, jump on him. A good point to jump - jump when you hear theRope on the floor in front of you Use the technique you've learned rhythm to jump first. Take your time. It takes a while 'before you get the timing right One is to try to please turn your attention to a single object. It helps you focus and maintain balance. You can also judge whether the string without them directly They are small cracks, how to save more energy and jump Jump (no trip) and see how long you can do. For starters, you switch to say directly2-3 minutes, 2-3 times a week for 1-2 weeks, let your body and heart to get used to the effects of the jump If you have conditioned your body and more of the heart, you can jump to 50-10 minutes per session, 3-4 times a week for 2-3 weeks Then you are your body and heart are already in good shape, so you should be able to go directly to 15 to 20 minutes per session, 3-4 times a week

Jumping rope is very effective. You know, boxers use it for their packagingBodies.

It 's more efficient execution. Burns about 200-300 calories in a jump of 15 to 20 minutes. You can also make a pleasant exercise.

So try it!

Jump rope for maximum results How?

x files season one

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