Sunday 16 October 2011

Glass Bloodfin Tetra Fact Sheet

Glass Bloodfin Tetra Fact Sheet

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The Glass Bloodfin Tetra, Prionobrama filigera is a medium size tetra, growing to a maximum size of about 6 cm, although they are usually smaller than this.

The Glass Bloodfin is easier to keep and breed than many tetras. They will also tolerate slightly alkaline conditions better as well as harder water, and will take water up to about a Ph of 7.8. They are an excellent peaceful community fish, and will mix well with all common non-aggressive small and medium size fish, and even with slightly larger ones like Angel Fish.

This is a schooling fish and I suggest at least five fish together. A school of this fish is a very pleasant sight. They lack the Splendid colours and fins of the Siamese Fighting Fish, or the spectacular colours of the Cardinal Tetra, but they have their own beauty.

The Glass Bloodfin Tetra is a fast swimming fish and has been known to jump out of the water, so I would recommend a cover. They are a Tropical Fish, and need a heater unless they can be kept in a room that never gets cold. I set our thermostats for this fish at 24 degrees C. although some people prefer to set theirs a little higher.


Suitable companion fish for a school of Glass Bloodfin Tetras include: Guppies, Platies, Swordtails, Mollies, Fighting Fish, Paradise Fish, Bronze Catfish, Albino Catfish, Peppered Catfish, other small catfish, Algae Eaters, Scissortail Rasboras, Harlequin Rasboras, all the small and medium size barbs, all tetras, and all the common gouramis. For a mixed tank I recommend a Ph of around 7(neutral). The Glass Bloodfin will take harder water than most tetras without ill effects, and copes with the surprising water that comes from the taps in the Adelaide hill as long as the Chloramine is removed first, and the Ph is lowered to about 7.2.

This fish is an omnivore and a good tropical flake food is the most common basic food given them. They also relish live food like daphnia and wrigglers as well as frozen food like blood worms. They will eat any common fish food. The Glass Bloodfin is a surface and mid water feeder by preference, but will certainly go the bottom of the tank to feed if necessary.

The Glass Bloodfin will breed in harder water than many types of tetra. They are an egg scatterer, laying semi adhesive eggs, often over plants.

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